Utah snow

With record snowfall in Utah comes the risk of flooding.

Winter is over, but Utah’s challenges with nature are far from over. This year, the state experienced record-breaking snowfall levels, and now that temperatures are starting to warm up, residents should prepare for a potential flood. As a Utah flood damage restoration company that specializes in water damage restoration, Alpine Cleaning is here to help you prepare for any potential flood and provide our expertise to restore your property.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for a potential flood:


1. Check Your Home’s Flood Risk

Understanding the flood risk of your home and neighborhood is the first step in being prepared for a potential flood. You can check the FEMA flood map service center to determine if you live in a high-risk area.

2. Elevate Valuable Items

If you have any valuable items in your basement or lower level, it’s best to elevate them to higher ground to protect them from potential water damage. This includes important documents, family heirlooms, and expensive electronics.

3. Clear Gutters And Downspouts

Make sure to clean out your gutters and downspouts regularly, especially after a storm. Clogged gutters can lead to water buildup and potential flooding.

Emergency Preparedness Kit

Be ready for any emergency by having a 72 hour kit.

4. Create An Emergency Kit

Prepare an emergency kit that includes a first aid kit, flashlights, batteries, water, non-perishable food, and a battery-powered radio. Keep this kit in a safe and easily accessible place.

5. Know How To Turn Off Utilities

In the event of a flood, it’s important to know how to turn off your utilities, such as gas, electricity, and water. This can help prevent further damage to your property.

What To Do In Case Of Flooding Or Water Damage

While these tips can help you prepare for a flood, it’s important to remember that floods can happen at any time, even with proper preparation. If you experience a flood in your home, it’s crucial to contact a disaster recovery company like Alpine Cleaning as soon as possible.

At Alpine Cleaning, we understand the devastating effects that water damage can have on your home and belongings. Our experienced team is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to remove water, dry your property, and prevent further damage. We are available 24/7 to provide emergency water damage restoration services and get your home back to its pre-loss condition.

Our team of experts is an elite member of CORE, so you can trust that we have the knowledge and skills necessary to restore your property. We also work directly with your insurance company to help make the claims process as smooth as possible.

In addition to water damage restoration, we also offer mold remediation, fire damage restoration, and general cleaning services. We are a one-stop-shop for all of your disaster recovery needs.

In conclusion, while the record-breaking snowfall in Utah this year may have been beautiful to look at, it has the potential to cause serious damage to your property. By following the tips above and contacting Alpine Cleaning in the event of a flood, you can protect your home and belongings from water damage. We are here to help you through any disaster and get your property back to its pre-loss condition. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you.