What to Save After A House Fire

Before a professional fire damage restoration team can clean up after a house fire, you have to decide what to save.  This is often the most difficult part.  If the fire was put out with water, you’ll also need to contend with water damage.  Fortunately, you can save most of your belongings.  Just make sure to follow the safety rules before you throw anything away.

Food items

Its important to be cautious while dealing with the food situation.   First, throw away any burned food.  Food exposed to heat can become a nesting ground for bacteria, so throw away anything exposed to the heat, smoke, or ash.  Trash dented, rusted, or bulging canned foods.  Its better to be safe then risk getting food poisoning.

Refrigerated Food

A properly sealed refrigerator will keep cold for about four hours without power, so you might be able to save the food in it.  If your refrigerator was not damaged in the fire, check its contents. Confirm that the food is still cold and that no soot got in. Otherwise, a good rule of thumb is simply, “if in doubt, throw it out.”

Frozen Food

Any food in the freezer can be used if it still has ice crystals on it and if it still feels cold and hard. If not, discard it. Again, whenever in doubt, discard it.

Medicines and Cosmetics

It’s tempting to try and save medicines because they’re so expensive, but you have to be careful.  You don’t want to put anything harmful in your body.  Inspect medications and cosmetics carefully.  Save them only if they’re clean of soot, dust, and any chemicals used to extinguish the fire.

Clothes and Textiles

You can easily save clothes and textiles.  Discard these materials only if burnt, otherwise simply clean and disinfect them. Be extra cautious with clothing for babies and children.

Other Contents

You can save most other contents of your home.  Clean and disinfect them to make sure they’re soot and dust free.

Let Us Help

Alpine Cleaning and Restoration are experts in fire damage restoration and are there to help you if you need it.  Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you need any help.  Our staff is on call 24/7 to help you.