Hyrum City FireStorage Facility Burns

Two weeks ago (6/15/2019), a fire broke out in the Armor Storage facility in Hyrum city at about 8:15 PM.  According to reports, the fire had burned for five whole minutes at least before the fire department was called.  People first tried to put the fire out.  There was plenty of water nearby, but the cluttered building made it impossible to get to the fire’s starting point.  The initial estimates say the fire has caused at least $1.5 million in damages, but it could be as high as $5 million (Source).

Fire Safety

Fires can be devastating.  They continue to burn until put out, or until they run out of fuel.  This means that if fire fighters can’t get them under control, they can destroy your entire house and all its contents.  Fortunately, fire fighters are well-trained and can usually get things under control before it becomes a total loss.  Even so, if a fire breaks out, there’s going to be some damage.  It’s a good idea to know what to do in these cases.

Know What Fires You Can Put Out

Every second counts in a fire.  As stated previously, witnesses at the fire in Hyrum tried to put it out on their own before calling the fire department.  This wasted precious time and probably contributed to how much was destroyed before they got it under control.  It’s important to know when you are able to put a fire out on your own.  If you can’t put it out, call the fire department immediately.  The types of fires that you can put out on your own include:

1. Small Fires on Ordinary Combustibles

If the fire has just started and it’s on ordinary combustibles, like paper, fabric, wood, or trash, usually you can put it out with water.  Trash fires are an example of this type.  If you catch it early, you can put it out before it gets out of control.

2. Grease Fires

Grease fires are common enough in houses.  You’re cooking some breakfast and you walk away from the stove for just a second and suddenly the grease in the pan overheats and catches fire.  These kinds of fires should never be put out with water, as spraying water will simply spread the grease around – and spread the flames.  If a grease fire starts in your home, the appropriate response is to take the lid of a pan and cover the flames to smother them.

This category also includes any flammable liquid fires.  Generally, a good CO2 fire extinguisher will do the trick.

3. Early Electrical Fires

Electrical fires get extra juice from the power source where they started.  If you spot an electrical fire breaking out, the first thing you need to do is power off whatever device started it, by unplugging the device if you can, or by turning off the circuit to the socket it started from.  Then you need to use a dry chemical extinguisher to put the fire out

All of these instructions only apply when the fire is still small at the start.  Once it hits a certain point, it’s too big for you to stop it on your own.  Be sure to call the fire department as soon as you find the fire if it can’t be put out quickly.  Do not waste too much time trying to put it out if it’s already out of control.

Fire Alarms

Fire AlarmMake sure you have up-to-date fire alarms with charged batteries in them.  Modern fire alarms last a long time before they need replacing, but even so, it’s a good idea to check your alarms and make sure once every six months.  Fire alarms will help you notice fires quickly, and this can make all the difference in how much you can save from the disaster.

Fire Restoration

Once the fire is put out, you’ll need to have the damage fixed.  Fortunately, Alpine Cleaning and Restoration is a full-service fire restoration company.  Our team of highly trained experts can recover and repair many different possessions.  As independent contractors, we can also repair damage to your home.  Our perfected cleaning techniques can even remove the smoke smell from your home, so not even a lingering trace remains.  We work closely with insurance companies to make sure that you get the best deals possible for your restoration.

If you’ve been hit with a fire recently and need help getting your home back on track, get in touch with us today.  We’ll get you back on your feet in not time at all.