How Alpine Cleaning Helps You In Ways Others Won’t

Alpine Cleaning and Restoration has been in this business for more than twenty years now. We pride ourselves on being the best at what we do. We stay in business by providing the best service. Convenience is an important part of our service model. Here’s how we do it.

4 Ways We Provide Great Convenience to Our Customers

free consultation for your convenience1. Free Consultation

With any other cleaning and restoration company, just having them come out is an expense. The act of looking at your home to get an idea for the work that needs to be done costs you money. This pressures you into hiring the person who comes out because you’ve already sunk money into it. Here at Alpine, we’ll give your job a free consultation. We’ll tell you up front what we can do and give you the price estimate at no charge. You can decide for yourself if it’s what you’re looking for before committing.

Drippy Saggy Ceiling Water Damage2. We Cover Many Issues

At Alpine, we have dedicated teams for multiple issues. No matter what the cause is for your needs, we’ve got people who can cover it. Flooding? Fire? Storm damage? We’ve got a team for all of it. If you just need your carpets cleaned as part of your regular spring or fall cleaning, we do that, too! Whatever your issue is, you can come to us and we’ll have the people who know how to solve the problem. You won’t have to go searching through multiple companies when we can do it all at once.

3. Education

When disaster season comes around, it can swamp a lot of companies, but many of the issues we deal with can be prevented. At Alpine, we work on educating customers on how to prevent issues so you don’t even need our help. Whether it’s articles on fire safety, or informing customers of common winter problems, we tell you what you need to know to reduce you risk of the problems we fix. When things do go wrong, we’ll give you the details on what caused the problems so you can prevent them from happening again. Education is the key to safe and healthy living and we view it as much our duty as cleaning up after things go wrong.

4. Working With Insurance

One of the biggest hassles of restoration jobs is insurance. Insurance companies are always trying to find ways to get out of paying. When it comes to restoration, we do our best to work with your insurance agency to get the most out of them. We’ll do whatever we can to make sure your insurance gives you the coverage you’re owed. You won’t find other companies willing to go out of their way for you like this.

storm damage from a sudden snowstormSpeaking of Insurance and Education

When it comes to insurance, there are limits on what we can do. Of late, we’ve been running into a problem with insurance companies that we are doing our best to inform others of. The rising cost of materials and housing prices is causing issues. Most insurance plans cover a certain amount of money based on the value of the house at the time it was first inspected. Because prices are rising, the original valuation of insurance policies is proving insufficient. We’re advising our customers to meet with their insurance companies to discuss their current plans and make sure they’re adequate to cover their needs. This can save you more money out of pocket if something should go wrong.

Providing Convenience Is Our Goal

It’s hard enough when something goes wrong. Fires, floors, or whatever else, when you need a restoration job done, the last thing you need is for it to be a hassle. We strive for the convenience of our customers. We try to give you everything you need to prevent problems, and to solve them when they do come up with the least amount of trouble and delay.  Whatever your restoration needs, we’ve got you covered!

If you ever need us, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’ll give you the best service anywhere!